pondělí 14. ledna 2013

Minecraft (1)

A year ago I first thought of making a game for little boys. Six months later I hired some people and started actually working on it. It took us a month to agree what the game was going to look like but we are all on the same page now. I'm really excited about the whole project. If it goes the way I want it to, it will be an amazing little game that I will be very proud of. I want everyone to be impressed with my game, especially little boys.

The point of the game will be to build things and then destroy them once you get tired of them. But you won't actually have to destroy anything unless you feel like it. You will be free to just fool around without building anything if that's what you want. Also, there will be no killing or very little of it. Most games involve a lot of shooting and killing. Mine won't.

The game is going to be called Minecraft. You will be able to build as many things as you want and no one will be allowed to stop you. There will be enough space for everyone to build huge buildings. I'll probably make the game more interesting by including some cool features like signposts and secret rooms. 
The longer you'll play the better you will get. It only takes a couple hours to learn the rules so there is no excuse for not playing the game. If you get tired of something you built, you can blow it up using TNT. If you want to show off, you can post snapshots on the Internet so everyone can admire you.

I'm not doing this to make money, and I would try to make this game even if I wasn't paid for it. If it sells well, I won't mind, but I'm not interested in getting rich. I'm just trying to build something that kids will enjoy.

There have been some problems, too. I promised to finish the game by the end of the year and I'm running out of money. I'll keep working on it even if I stop getting paid. But I'm afraid my family will make me get a real job so they don't have to beg for food on the street.

Harry Potter (1) Harry Finds Out About Hogwarts

Harry is growing up without his parents. He misses them a lot even though he never really knew them. They were killed by an evil spirit when Harry was a small child. There was no one to take care of Harry afterwards and he ended up living with a bunch of strangers.
grow up ... vyrůstat
I miss her ... ona mně chybí
even though ... přestože, i když 
evil spirit ... zlý duch 
take care of him ... postarejte se o něj 
afterwards ... potom, pak 
she ended up crying ... dopadlo to tak, že se rozplakala 
a bunch of strangers ... pár nějakých cizích lidí

The Dursleys, the family that Harry lives with, treat him very badly. He isn't even allowed to watch TV or leave his room in the evening. The Dursleys have their own son, whose name is Dudley, and they prefer him to Harry.

Dudley doesn't like Harry either and the two boys don't get along at all. None of this is Harry's fault. Dudley is a fat spoiled dumb kid and his parents are simply mean. They all give Harry a hard time about every little thing that he does. In fact, they seem to enjoy making his life hard.

Harry is 11 now and he is tired of dealing with these horrible people. He is trying to figure out a way to escape, but he has no idea where to go. He doesn't have any relatives and he couldn't pay to stay at a hotel. The police would soon find him and bring him back.

One day a big bird shows up at Harry's window and leaves a bunch of letters. The Dursleys hide the letters before Harry can read them and they lock the door so he can't go out and talk to the bird. But nothing will stop Harry at this point. He sneaks into the living room and steals the letters.

By reading the letters Harry finds out that there are people out there who care about him and want him to come join them. Harry also learns that the guy who killed his parents is still looking for him. He realizes that he needs to be careful. Otherwise he will get killed just like his parents.

pátek 4. ledna 2013


BARA: Ugh. What an awful day. I'm so bored.
PETER: Me too. There's nothing to do.
BARA: Hey, why don't we build a playhouse?
PETER: Sounds great. Let's do that.
BARA: Where are we going to build it?
PETER: How about right here?
BARA: You mean the living room?
PETER: Sure, why not? Dad won't mind.
BARA: What if he does? He hates stuff like that.
PETER: Not always. He's usually cool with it.
BARA: Everytime we build something, he gets mad.
PETER: Well, if he says no, we'll build it anyway.
BARA: Ok. You'll get yelled at, not me.
PETER: That's right. So don't worry about it.
BARA: Ok. Just as long as you don't blame me after.
awful … strašný
you were bored … nudili jste se
stuff like that … takové věci
she's cool with it … jí to nevadí, je v pohodě
get mad … naštvat se
we did it anyway … ale stejně jsme to udělali
I got (was) yelled at … seřvali mě, schytal jsem to
don't worry about it … to neřeš, tím se netrap
as long as I win … pokud vyhraju, hlavně že vyhraju
I blame you … podle mě za to můžeš ty
who else besides me … kde jiný ještě, kromě mě?
roof … střecha
shelf … police, regál
reach st … dosáhnout na něco
the red one … ten červený / ta červená
next to … vedle
fireplace … krb
heavy … těžký
notebook … sešit
even better … ještě lepší
less smart … míň chytrý
pot … hrnec
instead (of st) … namísto (něčeho)
I wonder if... … přemýšlím jestli...
PETER: So what do we need? I mean, besides the blankets.
BARA: Some books, I guess, so the roof doesn't fall.
PETER: How many? Will four be enough?
BARA: You want me to take some down from the shelf?
PETER: Could you? I'm too short to reach them.
BARA: Which ones? The small ones next to the fireplace?
PETER: No, those aren't heavy enough.
BARA: What about Dad's notebooks?
PETER: Those are even less good.
BARA: Ok. Why don't I take them all down...
PETER: Actually, you know what, let's use pots instead.
BARA: But they're not as heavy as the books.
PETER: Oh. You're right. What else is there?
BARA: I wonder.
PETER: Maybe we could use something totally different.
BARA: Like what?
PETER: Like beer bottles. There are some in the fridge.
BARA: I don't think that's going to work.
PETER: We'll never know until we try.

Gramatika Fáze Druhá Či Kolikátá

My daughter is not allowed to eat after 5pm. / You will not be allowed to talk to anybody.
Will someone be able to explain it to me? / I'm sorry but I won't be able to come before noon.
How was I supposed to know that? / Hamsters aren't supposed to eat this much, are they?

If we wanted to buy the shoes, we would have to come pick them up today.
There could be another way to finish the game. / Wait, shouldn't there be a reward?
Would you like me to stay? / I need both of you to behave. / She wants everyone to be involved.
Stop crying already! / I asked Lenny to shut up, but he kept talking. / Luckily I didn't mind waiting. / Do you enjoy writing books?
Try not to laugh, please. / She asked me not to record the conversation. / We decided to wait.
Mom made me stand in the corner. / Please don't let her sing. / No one saw me do it.
It's getting dark. We should go. / What if I get fat? / Aren't you glad you became a lawyer?
Does it matter whose car it is? / In the end it didn't really matter. / They don't care how rich you are. / Why should I care what happens to you?
I got banned from the game but I didn't mind. / Does it bother you when I smoke?
If you break something, you will be punished. / If there was beer at the party, I would enjoy it a lot more. / If she knew who I was, she wouldn't talk to me.
Hotels are built all over the country these days. / Why was everyone sent home? What were they told? / I don't want to be punished. / You're not going to be blamed for it. (won't be)
the guy we saw earlier / I want to talk about something I did / everything that happened is my fault / people who liked the movie / the toy you were going to buy / the horrible things (that) people say / the kid whose phone was stolen
Give me a ride so that I don't have to walk. / I'll stay up late so we can talk about it. / He held her hand so she wouldn't fall. / Write it down so that there is no confusion.

středa 2. ledna 2013

gramatický test: fáze druhá, náročná

nemáme se navzájem vidět
donuť ho, aby řekl pravdu
chytrých lidí by mělo být víc
chtěl by tady někdo zůstat?
přestaň dělat to co děláš
snažte se nebát
měls dovoleno se smát?
bude test?
nedovol mu používat počítač
svezli tě sem, abys nemusel jít pěšky
co chcete, abychom řekli?