pátek 4. ledna 2013


BARA: Ugh. What an awful day. I'm so bored.
PETER: Me too. There's nothing to do.
BARA: Hey, why don't we build a playhouse?
PETER: Sounds great. Let's do that.
BARA: Where are we going to build it?
PETER: How about right here?
BARA: You mean the living room?
PETER: Sure, why not? Dad won't mind.
BARA: What if he does? He hates stuff like that.
PETER: Not always. He's usually cool with it.
BARA: Everytime we build something, he gets mad.
PETER: Well, if he says no, we'll build it anyway.
BARA: Ok. You'll get yelled at, not me.
PETER: That's right. So don't worry about it.
BARA: Ok. Just as long as you don't blame me after.
awful … strašný
you were bored … nudili jste se
stuff like that … takové věci
she's cool with it … jí to nevadí, je v pohodě
get mad … naštvat se
we did it anyway … ale stejně jsme to udělali
I got (was) yelled at … seřvali mě, schytal jsem to
don't worry about it … to neřeš, tím se netrap
as long as I win … pokud vyhraju, hlavně že vyhraju
I blame you … podle mě za to můžeš ty
who else besides me … kde jiný ještě, kromě mě?
roof … střecha
shelf … police, regál
reach st … dosáhnout na něco
the red one … ten červený / ta červená
next to … vedle
fireplace … krb
heavy … těžký
notebook … sešit
even better … ještě lepší
less smart … míň chytrý
pot … hrnec
instead (of st) … namísto (něčeho)
I wonder if... … přemýšlím jestli...
PETER: So what do we need? I mean, besides the blankets.
BARA: Some books, I guess, so the roof doesn't fall.
PETER: How many? Will four be enough?
BARA: You want me to take some down from the shelf?
PETER: Could you? I'm too short to reach them.
BARA: Which ones? The small ones next to the fireplace?
PETER: No, those aren't heavy enough.
BARA: What about Dad's notebooks?
PETER: Those are even less good.
BARA: Ok. Why don't I take them all down...
PETER: Actually, you know what, let's use pots instead.
BARA: But they're not as heavy as the books.
PETER: Oh. You're right. What else is there?
BARA: I wonder.
PETER: Maybe we could use something totally different.
BARA: Like what?
PETER: Like beer bottles. There are some in the fridge.
BARA: I don't think that's going to work.
PETER: We'll never know until we try.

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